by James Lambka | Sep 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
Bicycle boxes have been increasingly used as markings on roadways to help allow bicyclists andmotor vehicle drivers a clear understanding of where the bicycle will be moving to once a lightturns green and in what order everyone should proceed. The boxes are marked on...
by James Lambka | Aug 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
Many people who have been involved in a personal injury situation are reluctant to contact an attorney because they believe that this will necessarily put them into a situation where they will be participating in a lawsuit. There is a large difference between making a...
by James Lambka | Aug 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
September is almost here and with it comes the return of children attending school. The American Safety Council has important reminders for your children so that they can safely use the bussing system to attend school. For students, safety starts at the...
by James Lambka | Jul 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
There are a host of new laws that take effect this month. None of them are automobile related, butsome may be of interest to you. 1). DEATH WITH DIGNITY ACT: The 2008 law has been amended to allow access to providers whohave authorization to assist to now include...
by James Lambka | Jul 31, 2023 | Accidents, Automobile Accidents, Insurance Information
Liability Coverage: This coverage is mandated by law and protects the driver in the eventthat the driver causes injury to another in a negligent manner with their vehicle. Under insured motorist protection: This type of coverage protects the occupants of avehicle in...